In, login to your developer account.

Code Signing Error: Provisioning profile "com.CompanyName.myCompanyName AppStore" doesn't include signing certificate "iPhone Developer: Company Name (XYXYXYXYXYX)". Provisioning profile "iOS Team Provisioning Profile:" doesn't include the application-identifier and keychain-access-groups entitlements. cert & dist. Hope this helps someone! "Provisioning profile 'iOS Team Provisioning Profile: com.xxxxxx.xxxx' doesn't include signing certificate 'iPhone Developer: xxx xxx (xxxxxxxxxx)' I also see the one you mentioned, "Failed on snippet: scripts.sceneEvents_2.

Code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 10.0' I checked my certificates here on, and I have both a valid dev.

Profile doesn't include the selected signing certificate.

New Issue Checklist Updated fastlane to the latest version I have read the Contribution Guidelines Issue Description fastlane works fine in my project till a device not added to the provisioning profile is connected to the computer. I have modified the provisioning profile on the developer portal to include another development certificate, and after running the command you mentioned, it deleted the existing profile from the dev portal (the one I have modified) and created a new one that contained only my developer certificate If you want, you can send me your game and I can find out why it's happening. Abtecas, if starting over from scratch doesn't work, or if it's a route you don't want to take, then try updating your MacOS to High Sierra(v10.13.1), and your KeyChain to v10.0. After doing this & downloading, xcode removed all errors and it is good to go. To fix this, you need to transfer the Provisioning Profile’s Certificate to YOUR own certificate. ios - from - release provisioning profile doesn t include signing certificate ... i ALSO had to go into my provisioning profiles, and add (under both the distribution and dev) the new certificates to the provisioning profiles so recognized them.

cert. Hello Abtecas, I think Howard meant that he started over from scratch, sort-of kind-of. After that, I generated clean Dev Certs & provisioning profiles and it *finally* worked. Provisioning profile "XXXXXX" doesn't include signing certificate "iPhone Distribution: XXXXXXXXXX (XXXXXXXXXX)". The thing is I can see the certificate "iPhone Distribution: XXXXXXXXXX (XXXXXXXXXX)" in my keychain. If I manually then reselect the Provisioing Profile for the "Signing (Release)" back to the same one that was set.

Out of desperation, I took your advice and upgraded my Mac from Sierra to High Sierra. Correct me if I'm wrong Howard.

Go to Provisioning Profiles > Distribution > > Edit >

Provisioning profile "iOS Team Provisioning Profile:" doesn't include signing certificate "iPhone Developer: my name (xx43U4KZxx)".

The dev cert. But there are 2 of them. How to fix. One has a private key and the other one doesn't and both have a different expiry date. After that, I deleted any and all references to my old dev certs locally, then deleted my dev cert and provisioning profile from the Apple Developer site. I have looked online but have not been able to solve this, any help would be appreciated. If the information in the provisioning profile doesn’t match certain criteria, your app won’t launch. Index : 1, Size: 1", but this shouldn't matter.

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