Firstly, it will be the first game to center around the Paralympics. Hajime Tabata’s The Pegasus Dream Tour is the first Paralympics sponsored game, and it's coming to multiple platforms by the Tokyo 2020 show. The Pegasus Dream Tour will see players participate in a virtual Paralympic Games in a fantasy metropolis called Pegasus City. お問い合わせ 世界初のipc公式パラリンピックゲーム 『the pegasus dream tour』 2020年に全世界で配信決定. The Pegasus Dream Tour was designed to boost the awareness and popularity of Paralympic sports and to engage audiences in the particular thrills and triumphs of the Paralympic Games with an innovative approach to bringing the sports experience to life. The Pegasus Dream Tour will be a sports RPG and the first official game of the International Paralympic Committee. JP Games, the studio founded by Hajime Tabata, Final Fantasy XV director, has announced their first game, The Pegasus Dream Tour. The JP Games Hajime Tabata, the game director of Final Fantasy XV, has announced The Pegasus Dream Tour, the official game of the Paralympics in Tokyo 2020, commissioned by the IPC (International Paralympic Committee). The Pegasus Dream Tour will depart from the Olympic video game genre in two ways. The Pegasus Dream Tour will be a sports game with RPG elements coming out in 2020 on various platforms not yet confirmed, including smartphones and tablets. It is the first official video game for the Paralympic Games and it will release in 2020 before the Paralympic Games in Japan on multiple platforms, including mobile. 世界初のipc公式パラリンピックゲーム 『the pegasus dream tour』 2020年に全世界で配信決定. Platforms have not yet been … The game is being developed in partnership with the International … Secondly, it is an RPG made by JP Games. The Pegasus Dream Tour will be officially launched in 2020 with the aim of increasing the popularity of the paralympic Games. The game is planned for release in 2020 to help celebrate the Tokyo 2020 Paralympics. Dragon Ball Z Kakarot Beginners Guide • Sims 4 Cheats • Animal Crossing: New Horizon Multiplayer Details … お問い合わせ The game was born with the aim of promoting the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games , starting at exactly 500 days. WIKIS.

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