We’re dedicated to securing Android’s 2.5 billion+ active devices every day and keeping information private. Using the Google Play services location APIs, your app can request the last known location of the user's device. With AndroidLost you can find your phone with GPS precision. But the advantage of using the last known location the if some data about location is already available, it does not request for the current geolocation. Previously we have taught you how you get current location using GPS/Network Provider. Find the location of your phone on a map. Working with location data. Mobile users take their devices with them everywhere, and adding location awareness to your app offers users a more contextual experience. Navigate around the world with ease! The location data available to an Android device includes the current location of the device — pinpointed using a combination of technologies — the direction and method of movement, and whether the device has moved across a predefined geographical boundary, or geofence. Of course, you can only access your stored locations if you’re logged in with your Google account. Have instant knowledge about nearby sites, destinations and more, or easily plan your next hike or bike route. FusedLocationProviderClient is for… Location: The location of your Android device will appear automatically on the map, along with the battery level, information on whether your phone is … Get My location maps to help you explore the world, see your current location & address, organize your travels by finding & saving places in any city. Feel more like a local than a tourist when you travel. Usually, the getLastLocation() method returns a Location object that contains a timestamp of when this location was obtained. What's on your timeline? You can use your location data for many different things such as looking up past travel routes. Stay protected and in control. Use location_text to display the latitude, longitude, and timestamp of the last known location. This tutorial is about getting last known location using Google Fused Api is similar to getting the current geolocation of the device. The Developer Preview for Android 11 is now available; test it out and share your feedback . One of the unique features of mobile applications is location awareness. The Developer Preview for Android 11 is now available; test it out and share your feedback . This can be done via a GPS (Global Positioning System) module, via cell tower triangulation and via wifi networks. To get the last known location: In strings.xml, add a string resource called location_text. However, it is also a good way to locate your lost phone. Download for Free Now! Most Android devices allow to determine the current geo location. Google Play Protect, regular security updates and control over how your data is shared. How to view your location history in Google Maps See where you've traveled with Google Maps. In most cases, you are interested in the user's current location, which is usually equivalent to the last known location of the device. Then android has revealed FusedLocationProviderClient under GoogleApi. Even if the phone is indoor you will get a nearby location by network accuracy. [Outdated] Google’s Location History lets you see where you have been in the last months. All the location data an Android phone sends to Google is stored online and can be accessed on Google’s Location History page. As mentioned, if your Android device is turned off, you can use the location history data to identify the last recorded location.