Auf der Liste von Android-Versionen sind die vom Unternehmen Google freigegebenen Versionen des Betriebssystems Android aufgeführt.. … Android is made for business—no matter what your business is. Android Enterprise Recommended is a list of Google-approved smartphones that are perfect for employees. The fully managed device solution set is intended for company-owned devices. Devices eligible for zero-touch enrollment are purchased from an enterprise reseller or Google partner. For a list of Android Enterprise zero-touch partners, see the Android website. Lege deine In … Devices eligible for zero-touch enrollment are purchased from an enterprise reseller or Google partner. Official Android Enterprise Help Center where you can find tips and tutorials on using Android Enterprise and other answers to frequently asked questions. Before enrolling Android Enterprise work profile devices, you must complete some onboarding steps. Android Enterprise Recommended Devices and Services Android Enterprise Recommended makes it simple for businesses to confidently select, deploy and manage Android devices and services that meet elevated enterprise requirements validated by Google. Deploy confidently with Android Enterprise Recommended devices. How can I create a drop-down list? Google Play kann dann deine App überprüfen und sie nach der Freigabe für die Nutzer besser sichtbar präsentieren. Cet environnement d'exécution plus performant fut développé par Google pour pallier le potentiel limité de Dalvik, créé en 2007, en même temps que le système. For a list of Android Enterprise zero-touch partners, see the Android website. I've tried a ScrollView but it's not exactly what I need. Android Enterprise is a Google-led initiative to enable the use of Android devices and apps in the workplace. It’s a powerful platform that’s open to all. Il y avait au sein de l'Open handset alliance au moins deux versions internes avant la beta Android publiée en novembre 2007.La seconde version avait pour nom de code R2 D2 [2].Les premières versions de Bugdroid, la mascotte d'Android, ont été dessinées par Dan Morrill ; la version définitive a été conçue par Irina Blok. Partner will have demonstrated experience in being able to deploy Android Enterprise with an established base of successful deployments. The list has 22 devices on it for now, with more coming over the rest of 2018. bring your own device (BYOD) A personally owned device that an employee also uses for work. Die süße Tradition, Android-Versionen nach diversem Nasch- und Backwerk zu benennen, pflegte Google seit 2009.

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